As an educator and literacy specialist, I know that teaching a child how to read and write can be a challenge. There are so many rules to follow and steps in the process, that it can be overwhelming for children and their caregivers. Reading is a very complex process that takes lots of repetition, practice, and supported guidance. When children are just learning how to read, or are struggling in the classroom, it can be difficult to watch without knowing how to best support them.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a source of information to help you navigate the progression of reading and writing development with your child? Wouldn’t it be nice to also have a variety of resources to use to help your child’s reading and writing development that is both fun and engaging, while also teaching them basic, important literacy skills?

My passion is to help families like yours create a literacy-rich home. Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher which is why I want to give you the support and information you need to help your child succeed. Through my resources, I hope to provide materials, ideas, and information that you can use with your child to make the reading and writing process much less daunting.

My Background

I have experience as a classroom teacher and a literacy specialist working with children from pre-kindergarten until 5th grade. Through my experience in the classroom I found that oftentimes, parents were at a loss on how to help their child succeed in their reading and writing and would ask for advice or resources that would help them support their child at home.

While many times I would send home small packets of resources for students to work on, it was not enough to empower parents with the knowledge they needed to create a solid foundation for their child’s literacy success.